Hinweis: Für die Jahre 2011-2022 wurden die Anzahl der Vergaben und das Auftragsvolumen basierend auf dem Vergabezeitpunkt ausgewertet. Basis bildeten die Einträge in Simap, welche mittels Befragung korrigiert und ergänzt wurden.
Hinweis: Seit 2023
erfolgt die Auswertung der Anzahl der Vergaben und des Auftragsvolumens
auf Grundlage des Publikationszeitpunkt der
Die Umstellung der Auswertungsmethodik zwischen 2022
und 2023 führt dazu, dass einige Beschaffungen, die zwar im Jahr 2022
vergeben, aber erst im Folgejahr veröffentlicht wurden, in beiden
Statistiken – sowohl für 2022 als auch für 2023 – erfasst sind.
Durch die Anpassung der Erhebungsmethodik werden ab 2023 zudem
Beschaffungen, die unter die Bagatellklausel fallen, nicht mehr erfasst.
Die Datengrundlage bilden die Einträge in Simap.
\(knitr\)knitr$opts_knit NULL
\(knitr\)opts_chunk \(knitr\)opts_chunk$dev [1] “png”
\(knitr\)opts_chunk$dpi [1] 96
\(knitr\)opts_chunk$fig.width [1] 7
\(knitr\)opts_chunk$fig.height [1] 5
\(knitr\)opts_chunk$fig.retina [1] 2
\(knitr\)knit_hooks NULL
\(knitr\)opts_hooks NULL
\(knitr\)opts_template NULL
\(pandoc\)pandoc$to [1] “html”
\(pandoc\)from [1] “markdown+autolink_bare_uris+tex_math_single_backslash”
\(pandoc\)args [1]
[2] “–standalone”
[3] “–variable”
[4] “bs3=TRUE”
[5] “–section-divs”
[6] “–template”
[7] “/home/iaa9524@pu1.uktsg.ch/.cache/R/renv/cache/v5/linux-ubuntu-jammy/R-4.4/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/rmarkdown/2.28/062470668513dcda416927085ee9bdc7/rmarkdown/rmd/h/default.html”
[8] “–no-highlight”
[9] “–variable”
[10] “highlightjs=1”
\(pandoc\)keep_tex [1] FALSE
\(pandoc\)latex_engine [1] “pdflatex”
\(pandoc\)ext NULL
\(pandoc\)convert_fun NULL
\(pandoc\)lua_filters [1] “/home/iaa9524@pu1.uktsg.ch/.cache/R/renv/cache/v5/linux-ubuntu-jammy/R-4.4/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/rmarkdown/2.28/062470668513dcda416927085ee9bdc7/rmarkdown/rmarkdown/lua/pagebreak.lua” [2] “/home/iaa9524@pu1.uktsg.ch/.cache/R/renv/cache/v5/linux-ubuntu-jammy/R-4.4/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/rmarkdown/2.28/062470668513dcda416927085ee9bdc7/rmarkdown/rmarkdown/lua/latex-div.lua”
$keep_md [1] FALSE
$clean_supporting [1] TRUE
function (x, format, digits = getOption("digits"), row.names =
col.names = NA, align, caption =
opts_current\)get(“tab.cap”), label = NULL, format.args = list(),
escape = TRUE, …) { format = kable_format(format) if (!missing(align)
&& length(align) == 1L && !grepl(“[^lcr]”, align)) align
= strsplit(align, ““)[[1]] if (inherits(x,”list”)) { format =
kable_format_latex(format) res = lapply(x, kable, format = format,
digits = digits, row.names = row.names, col.names = col.names, align =
align, caption = NA, format.args = format.args, escape = escape, …)
return(kables(res, format, caption, label)) } caption =
kable_caption(label, caption, format) if (!is.matrix(x)) x =
as.data.frame(x) if (is.numeric(nr <-
getOption(“knitr.kable.max_rows”))) x = head(x, nr) if
(identical(col.names, NA)) col.names = colnames(x) m = ncol(x) isn = if
(is.matrix(x)) rep(is.numeric(x), m) else sapply(x, is.numeric) if
(missing(align) || (format == “latex” && is.null(align))) align
= ifelse(isn, “r”, “l”) digits = rep(digits, length.out = m) for (j in
seq_len(m)) { if (is_numeric(x[, j])) x[, j] = round(x[, j], digits[j])
} if (any(isn)) { if (is.matrix(x)) { if (is.table(x) &&
length(dim(x)) == 2) class(x) = “matrix” x = format_matrix(x,
format.args) } else x[, isn] = format_args(x[, isn], format.args) } if
(is.na(row.names)) row.names = has_rownames(x) if (!is.null(align))
align = rep(align, length.out = m) if (row.names) { x =
cbind( = rownames(x), x) if (!is.null(col.names)) col.names
= tail(c(” “, col.names), ncol(x)) if (!is.null(align)) align = c(”l”,
align) } n = nrow(x) x = replace_na(to_character(x), is.na(x)) if
(!is.matrix(x)) x = matrix(x, nrow = n) x = gsub(“^\s+|(?<!\\)\s+$”,
““, x, perl = TRUE) colnames(x) = col.names if (format !=”latex”
&& length(align) && !all(align %in% c(“l”, “r”, “c”)))
stop(“‘align’ must be a character vector of possible values ‘l’, ‘r’,
and ‘c’”) attr(x, “align”) = align if (format == “simple” &&
nrow(x) == 0) format = “pipe” res = do.call(paste(“kable”, format, sep =
“_“), list(x = x, caption = caption, escape = escape, …)) structure(res,
format = format, class =”knitr_kable”) } <bytecode:
0x560567cc8428> <environment: namespace:knitr>
$pre_knit function (…) { op(base(…), overlay(…)) } <bytecode: 0x56055eee1860> <environment: 0x56056804c388>
$post_knit function (…) { op(base(…), overlay(…)) } <bytecode: 0x56055eee1860> <environment: 0x56056804bc88>
$pre_processor function (…) { op(base(…), overlay(…)) } <bytecode: 0x56055eee1860> <environment: 0x56056804b588>
$intermediates_generator function (original_input, intermediates_dir) { copy_render_intermediates(original_input, intermediates_dir, !self_contained) } <bytecode: 0x5605620ddf90> <environment: 0x560567cf14f0>
$post_processor function (metadata, input_file, output_file, …) { original_output_file <- output_file output_file <- overlay(metadata, input_file, output_file, …) if (!is.null(attr(output_file, “post_process_original”))) base(metadata, input_file, original_output_file, …) base(metadata, input_file, output_file, …) } <bytecode: 0x5605611e8960> <environment: 0x56056804e510>
$file_scope NULL
$on_exit function () { if (is.function(base)) base() if (is.function(overlay)) overlay() } <bytecode: 0x5605611ec180> <environment: 0x56056804d908>
attr(,“class”) [1] “rmarkdown_output_format” function (x, df1, df2, ncp, log = FALSE) { if (missing(ncp)) .Call(C_df, x, df1, df2, log) else .Call(C_dnf, x, df1, df2, ncp, log) } <bytecode: 0x560568097f00> <environment: namespace:stats>